Thursday, December 7, 2006


Some odds n' ends I have lying around, to entertain you until I get the next batch of stuff up here.

People know I live in Hollywood (well, North Hollywood) and they always ask if I've met anyone famous. Yes. Yes I have.

Here's me and Captain America:

Me and Spider-Man:
Me and Capt. Jack Sparrow (in San Diego):
A few months ago I got in a fender-bender and it wasn't until recently that I was able to get the necessary repairs done. There's a place down the street that seemed good enough so I took it in there. In the garage that was right next to my truck was this: No joke.

In case you didn't see this on MySpace. Taken late last Thursday:
(Yeah, I hate the formatting too. But you don't know the near-nightmare I went through just to post these like this. I've heard HTML is good for something but I have no idea what.)


Monster Monkey said...

You never gave an explanation to what this was for or if you got pummelled, probably deservedly for not explaining something.
I know you dig the mystery, but time's up.

Monster Monkey said...

Ah, Crap. I just realised that this was the end of a post with other pics. I was referring to the pic that looks like you got pummelled.
Although the pics with you in nerd glory are commentable too.
Cheers to picture blogging.