January 20, 2007: My birthday party at M Bar in Hollywood. Also the birthdays of Ratna and Jessa.
The following are, as far as I know, all the pictures that were taken that night. There's no order to them, as there were at least four different people taking pictures so you can put them together however you like. I hope I've gotten the names and credits correct but if there's anything I've gotten wrong, no matter how minor, or if you have pictures that I don't have here, please let me know and I'll make changes.
These pictures from Sheri's camera (captions, as always, going from left to right):
Corey & Sheri:
James, Caryn:
Mar, Caryn:
Tati, Mar, Caryn:
Tom, James:
Corey, Tom:
Tati, Vickie:
Tom, Caryn:
Adam, Brian:
Brian, Corey:
Caryn, James:
Jen, Patti, Lindsey, Danny, Rick:
Heath, James:
Etosha, Dave:
Adriana, Mar:
Heath, Ahmed, Alecia:
Danny, Andrew:
Mar, James:
Vickie, Mar:
Vickie, Mar:
Mar, Etosha:
Tom & Tati:
Tom & Tati:
Caryn, Brian:
Caryn, Brian:
Caryn, Brian, James:
Vickie, Mar:
Adam, Mar, Brian, Caryn:
Jerry, Alex:
Susan, Corey:
Vickie, Mar:
Jen, Patti, Lindsey:
Jen, Patti, Lindsey, Danny:
Jan, Patti, Lindsey:
Tom & Tati:
Mar, Jerry:
Heath, Alecia, Susan, etc.:
Mar, Jerry, Alex:
James, Caryn, Brian:
Tom, Caryn:
Corey, Tati:
Heath, Mar, Jerry:
Tati, Vickie, Sheri, Caryn:
Heath, Susan, Mar, Jerry, Alex:
Heath, Susan, Mar:
Tom, Tati:
Tati, Vickie:
Other Alex:
Tom, Brian, etc.:
Ahmed, Alecia:
Heath, Tom, Brian, Mar:
Heath, Tom, Brian, Mar:
James, Tom, Caryn:
Tom, James:
Tom & Tati:
Tom & Tati:
Rick & Lindsey:
Adam, Rick & Lindsey:
Jenny (center):
Brian, Susan:
James, Corey:
Andrew, Vickie & Adam, Heath:
Andrew, Vickie & Adam, Heath:
Vickie & Adam, Heath:
Adam, Caryn, Heath:
Caryn, Heath:
Caryn, Heath:
Caryn, Mar, Heath:
Ben, Ben's friend, Susan:
Caryn, Vickie, Adam, Heath:
All of the above:
More of all of the above:
Mar, Adriana, Jessa, some guy I don't remember being there:
Jessa, Mar, Adriana:
Mar, Jen, Adam:
Keith, Nikki, Mar:
Mar, Corey:
Mar, Ben, Ben's friend:
Mar, Corey, Sheri:
Stephen, Mar:
Tom, Corey, Brian:
Tom, Corey, Brian:
Tom, Corey, Brian:
Tom, Corey, Brian:
Tom, Corey, Brian:
These from another camera but I don't know who was taking the pictures. Also, some of these look similar to others I've already posted here but I assure you they aren't the same picture:
James, Caryn:
Tom & Tati:
Mar, Caryn:
Tati, Mar, Caryn:
Tom, Caryn:
Caryn, Brian:
Heath, etc.:
Sheri, Caryn:
Tati, Vickie, Caryn:
James, Tom:
Tom, Tati:
Brian, Tati:
Heath, Mar:
Heath, Mar, Susan:
Heath, Mar:
A batch from my camera and I can't clearly remember who was taking these but I think it was Alecia:
Corey, Mar, Sheri:
Mar, Jen:
Ratna, Mar, Heath:
Jepson, Mar, Adriana:
Patti, Lindsey:
Jenny, Nikki, Keith, Scott, Cassandra:
Sheri, Corey:
Ratna, Ahmed, some dude, Melissa, Mark:
Susan, Brian:
Etosha, Ed:
Susan, Alecia:
Heath, Mar, Jerry:
Rick, Susan, Andrew, Jenny:
Tom & Tati, Vickie, Corey & Sheri:
Heath, Mar:
Cassandra, Jenny, Ratna:
Mar, Corey, Sheri:
Adam, Susan:
Lindsey, Rick:
Caryn, Tati, Heath, James, Jerry:
Mar, Ratna, Heath:
Jerry, Mar:
Andrew, Rick, Susan, Heath:
Money, Heath:
Mar, Heath:
Mar, Heath:
Mar, Heath:
Mar, Heath:
Mar, Heath:
Susan, Brian:
Mar, Mark, Melissa:
Other pictures from another camera and another person taking pictures:
Caryn, Heath:
Caryn, Tati:
Caryn, Tati:
Mar, Heath:
Heath, Mar:
Completely unnecessary video. Seriously -- there's no reason to watch this, I'm just putting it here to be a completist and to see how well posting videos directly into this blog works:
Some pictures in my apartment, a few hours before the party. Pictures taken by Caryn, gift from Caryn:
Special thanks to Sheri and anyone who took pictures.
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