My Granny lives in rural Indiana (at least as rural as I've ever been to), a few miles off the main road, away from things. Her and my Poppy have lived there since well before I was born so that's always a house I've gone back to and associate a lot of things throughout my life, especially the early years, to that house. My family lived a ways away from there, which seemed so far away but of course it would to a five-year-old (everything seems so much bigger then). I always wondered when I was a kid if I could walk from our house to Granny's. I never knew really how far it was but I always wondered if it was even possible (or advisable). When I was there most recently I had my Saturday afternoon with nothing to do so I decided to do it, to make the walk. My aunt and her family live in the house where we lived when I was a kid and I visit there whenever I'm out but it's not completely the same house. In any case, I was there for that trip and the walk was completely do-able; turns out it was only about three miles -- too much for a five-year-old but achievable for me and my iPod. On the way to Granny's there's an intersection where there's a pond that always fascinated me. It was fenced-in and I think it was part of an animal preserve (or something) and there would sometimes be animals there (deer, ducks, ostriches), sometimes not. But I never got a good picture of it (and the surrounding things that were interesting to me at the time I took these): Indiana isn't all farms but there a lot of them: Cows know when you're taking their picture. Apparently: The house where I grew up (well, one of them): The next-door neighbor's house. That house always seemed so mysterious and foreboding when I was younger. There also used to be a lot more trees around it: The house is at the end of a mile-long road lined with duplexes and other houses. It's a neighborhood: My cousin Katie and her neice: Me & Poppy: Me & Granny: Also a video I took, standing at an intersection of rural (but paved) country roads:
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